Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Wednesday April 20 2005

I had the MRI but it turns out that my doctor had ordered an Xray. After two hours of torture in that chamber of horrors (the MRI). The XRay is today. Meanwhile my leg continues to ache.

I have been sitting around with my leg up, reading mysteries. Sometimes I am bewildered about who I am and where I live. I get into the stories.

I have bought some new clothes, some cropped pants. They have the same inseam as my regular pants.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

April 12, 2005

Another blah day. Leg was excruciatingly painful this morning. I have an MRI scheduled for tomorrow and Thursday.

My dog, Blitzen ( a rescue dog)-- hound and terrier -- has decided that my bed pillows make good toys, better than his teddy. He throws them in the air.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Evening April 11, 2005

8:50 PM and I am starting my first blog. Not much to say. This day has been a blah. My leg has ached all day. Managed to get over to the dentist to get a fitting for my lower partial plate.
Reading old mystery books. Female PI protagonists.
Watching Stargate DVDs, the television series.

New Beginning April 11, 2005