Saturday, April 18, 2009

April 18

On the 18th of April in 75
Hardly a man is now alive
Who remembers that famous day and year.

Up at 10 AM and the sky is so overcast I have the electric lights turned on. Fairly warm. we are going to dog park early so I can stop by library which is opne 10 to 2 on Sat.

I stopped to get gas and could not find my wallet. Figured it was in another purse altho I was upset. After dog park came home and could not find wallet. No money but just my life. I was considerably distressed, to say the least. The last I remembered it was at Hobby Lobby. I thot this was foolish, but I called Hobby Lobby and there it was!!! I drove up to Hobby Lobby and retreived it. I keep telling myself I lost it but I managed to retreive it. I think I was really tired yesterday morning.

Sat and read in dog park. Few people there. It sprinkled at first but dogs needed exercise. On the Big Dog side a man kicked a dog and two other men threatened to beat him up. One of the other guys sat down and gave him a lesson in dog training.

After writing that I slept for 2.5 hours. Sitting around reading. Plesant evening. 73 degrees. Storms threaten tonight but next week the temp heads for 80.

Lady Chica's Tale
Mom was all upset today but I cant figure out why. She kept hunting and hunting. Maybe she lost a treat somewhere.

Blitzen's Tale
We got a chance to go to the dog park. It was starting to rain but we went anyhow. Mom just sat and read. Not many dogs.

Thomas Zigler, *The White League*
Not recommended. I returned this book after about two chapters. It struck me as phony. It was all about New Orleans and the entitled elite but it didn't ring true.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

Thursday, November 13, 2008

New President

Well, there is a French term for what I am feeling but I cant remember it. Bonjour triste. The election is over.
I am also jerked back to reality. Barack Obama cannot wave a magic wand and have everything fixed.
Tonight I listened to an NPR interview with Secy of Treasury. And the auto makers are on the edge of bankruptcy. I remember when Charles Wilson said, "What's good for GM is good for America."
NPR has been carrying program after program educating the man on the street about the financial crisis.
And yesterday I realized that my annuities are carried by AIG, one of the companies having problems.
Well, One Day at a Time as we say in AlAnon.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

may 22, 2005

doc looked at my xrays and said: see you next week. my wrist seems to be healing.

tonoght i took a shower for the first time in a month i am clean.

i have been watching dvd s of stargate. first the movie and then episodes in sequence.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

may 14, 2005

visited orthopod yesterday. dr guarded. my wrist seems to be mush. i looked at pictures on internet. carpel bones are broken and misplaced.

cast must remain 5 to 7 more weeks.

swelling is down and not much pain.

dr. liz

Monday, May 02, 2005

may 2, 2005

last tuesday, april 26, i fell down. i twisted my foot and fell on hand. broke left metatarsal and dislocated bones in wrist. needless to say i am immobilized.

i never realised hoe much i need two hands.

typing w/one finger

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Wednesday April 20 2005

I had the MRI but it turns out that my doctor had ordered an Xray. After two hours of torture in that chamber of horrors (the MRI). The XRay is today. Meanwhile my leg continues to ache.

I have been sitting around with my leg up, reading mysteries. Sometimes I am bewildered about who I am and where I live. I get into the stories.

I have bought some new clothes, some cropped pants. They have the same inseam as my regular pants.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

April 12, 2005

Another blah day. Leg was excruciatingly painful this morning. I have an MRI scheduled for tomorrow and Thursday.

My dog, Blitzen ( a rescue dog)-- hound and terrier -- has decided that my bed pillows make good toys, better than his teddy. He throws them in the air.